Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bus-Sized Clothes Closet

One inspired student, Abbie Relfe, has started a clothes drive at her church called 'Mollie Red'. At one time, this was going to be the name of her future clothing line - but she was inspired after the 2008 EFCA CHALLENGE conference to use it for her new outreach ministry. It is still a work in progress, but she is working with other members of the church to make this clothes closet mobile. They are planning to take the seats out of an old school bus they have at the church, put bars throughout it in order to hang the clothes, and drive to areas of the city to distribute to the homeless and needy.

What's happening at your church to help the homeless in your community?

Friday, March 27, 2009

Going the Distance, Themselves

College students from a Trinity Church, Redlands, CA group (Praxis) heard of the great need for Bibles in the EFC of Congo churches (CECU). Through their creativity, the sale of t-shirts, onesies, water and a concert they raised $7500 (about 1/4 of the funds collected for this project in 2008). CECU President Bosokpale wrote a heartfelt thank you letter to all who had contributed to this effort. He noted, "When a country enters into difficult times, people can distance themselves from God and there is a need for them and especially Christians to hold God's Word and read it day by day....It is our hope that through God's Spirit you will not forget this project of Bibles for Africa, for the spiritual lives of church workers and other Christians. May God bless you."

Help with the Bibles for Congo project.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The River's Rising

EFCA TouchGlobal Crisis Response is working in partnership with the EFCA Northern Plains District, EFCA North Central District and local EFCA churches in Fargo, ND putting together a plan of action to help support the needs of those impacted by the anticipated flood. Updates will be posted to the EFCA.org Web site within the next few days.

Please be in prayer for all those affected by this natural disaster.

McNugget of Prayer

Five boys from Grace Community Church, Richland Center, WI started meeting for prayer at 6:45 a.m. at a McDonald's when they returned from the CHALLENGE 2008 EFCA student conference in Utah. Today that group has grown to 10 members and it is still meeting every week. The students are specifically praying for God's vision. And, instead of taking a short term missions trip elsewhere this summer, they want to see what God wants them to do in their local community.

How are you supporting the students in your church to reach out to the local community?

By God

God knew exactly what state the U.S. would be in at this exact point in time. So it shouldn't awe a person, but it still does. He'd prepared for this reality years ago by gently nudging those faithful and obedient to His call. If it weren't for the donors who chose to follow by leaving--portions of what He'd provided in their lives, the EFCA would be in a challenging place. And, considering the thousands of people touched by the ability of missionaries and national and district office staffers to do what they're gifted to do every day....there is a tremendous sense of gratefulness from those of us supported--by God.

How have you experienced the fruit of donating your time, talent or treasure?

Hold Them Up

All nursing homes in Fargo, ND have been instructed to evacuate due to the expected flooding of the Red River. Elim Care (affiliated with the EFCA) has 125 residents in a nursing home and 50 in assisted living in Fargo. The State of North Dakota is coordinating the evacuation and placing residents in a variety of other facilities around the state. Please pray for the residents during this time. Many are very fragile and the act of moving them can be very traumatic. The blizzard that hit the Fargo area yesterday is complicating this move along with all other flood related activities.

When has prayer carried you through a traumatic event?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

First Step to Planting (Churches)

It's been said that faith is, "Taking the first step, even if you can't see the whole staircase." Donors climb these stairs everyday--having faith that what is given will glorify Him. In one case in particular, Alvin Kittleson left as part of his estate, the seed money to begin the church planting ministry for the EFCA. In faith (having no concept of where staircase would lead), Alvin could not imagine the impact. Literally hundreds of church plants have been started because of his faith and obedience.

What's your example of taking the first step in faith?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Shoe Me

GlobalFingerprints (the EFCA TouchGlobal orphan sponsorship program for Congolese children) announced the "Shoe Me" Vacation Bible School project for churches. Walking is the only mode of transportation for most of the children. If they have shoes at all, they are worn down flip-flops. The goal is to raise $25,000 to purchase 2,500 pairs of shoes to give to the orphans who, through GlobalFingerprints sponsors are attending school, receiving medical care and being helped by Christian families from local EFC of Congo churches.

Name one creative thing your church does to welcome the kids into giving to others.

Creative Tithing

At the Refugee Highway Partnership (RHP) conference, staff from ReachGlobal Europe met:
  • A European missionary working with Somali refugees
  • British church members who work to welcome refugees at the airport, helping them to settle into a new country
  • Patrick, a refugee who has not seen his wife and children in five years (he fled his country after being thrown in jail for teaching the Word)
ReachGlobal Europe is partnering with RHP, committing 10% of their time to this passionate and dedicated group of people who are reaching the refugees of Europe through creative ministry.

Describe a time you reached out to a refugee in your community.

Speaking of Blooms in the Desert

Declared impossible, Sonoita Hills Community Church (EFCA) in Arizona expects to complete their new 6800 square foot facility by June 1. Pa. Chuck Carlson weighed in with Pa. Steve Highfill, EFCA WEST superintendent, noting the community has begun to respond to all the activity with a 25% growth in attendance.

What seemed impossible (that you saw God do)?

The Enemy Lost

At the beginning of their tour of duty, EFCA Chaplain Don Tak initiated a Bible study and worship service in Okinawa, Japan. Sarah was one of the regular attendees. In March, Sarah shared with Dan she'd made the decision to give her life to the Lord. The Enemy lost one more. And this all in God's perfect timing--Sarah's been redeployed to Guam.

What key questions do you ask someone who is seeking to know more about God?

Student Drivers

Meagan Hickman and her parents left recently to bless those who hunger in Kenya by delivering three cases of food they had packaged. Just another dent in the overwhelming need for the hungry. BTW, Meagan is also the high school senior who, as the result of packaging food at the CHALLENGE 2008 EFCA student conference in Utah, went home and drove a 200 volunteer event to package 80,200 meals for Kids Against Hunger in Haiti. There's something to be said for student drivers.

How have you helped those who hunger?

Talk About Cross-Pollination

In a recent EFCA EQUIP online course there were learners from six nations and four continents all together in one class, sharing decades of life and ministry experience. EFCA EQUIP is really living up to their tagline: learn...better...now.

What benefit did you receive from learning in a class with someone from another country?

Go or No-Go?

What initiative ever has a predefined model to follow? In an "as-the-Lord-leads" story that's just beginning, two things are known: post-Christian and unevangelized, Berlin, Germany is potentially THE place to learn how to engage a culture that hints at the coming state of the U.S. urban environment (from a spiritual perspective). And, amazingly (really?), gates continue to open where there were roadblocks. Listening for that 'go or no-go' call, a uniquely gelling group at EFCA ReachGlobal are focused on diligent prayer about this opportunity.

What do you think would motivate and engage a culture that has little to no interest in God?

Compelled to Start

Seeing the suffering, injustice and devaluation of women worldwide, two gifted female missionaries have decided enough is enough. Beginning with prayer, the idea is germinating for a global network of women intentionally linked and committed to making a difference in the lives of these women and children.

What specific prayer would you offer for this initiative?

Even Toilet Cleaning

Picking produce, meeting a pet snake, reaching out to plant spiritual seeds and, yes, even toilet cleaning at the CHALLENGE 2008 conference in Utah, a student group from the Evangelical Free Church in Elgin, Il walked away with "memorial stone" commitments and changed hearts for God.

Describe an unusual situation or experience where your faith grew stronger or deeper.

Gettin' the Word Out

So many things cross my desk daily about the good stuff, (the God stuff) happening within the EFCA movement (that's Evangelical Free Church of America). Even if HighSigns ends up being my own personal journal, it's time to write 'em down somewhere.

What story did you hear today about God at work?