Friday, October 23, 2009

Getting Out of the Weather

Trinity Evangelical Free Church in Ludington, MI, is one of many churches from the community signed up to be a home-base in the rotating homeless shelter plan coordinated by Hospitality, Inc.

Each week from November to April, a church will welcome homeless adults. Opening at 6 p.m. they'll serve dinner, offer a cot and blanket, breakfast and then close at 8 a.m. the next morning.

To learn more contact Hospitality, Inc. ministry coordinators Tim and Tammy Martin, at

How is your church reaching out to the homeless and under-resourced?

Hey Soldier, Want Some Turkey?

Camarillo Evangelical Free Church knows the holidays can be lonely when you are far from home. So, the members and friends of the church are inviting invite troops home to share Thanksgiving with their families--sharing their love, homes and Thanksgiving meals; and saying “thank you” for the service to our country.

Contact an EFCA Chaplain in your community to find out how you can reach out to those serving our country.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Have Passport Will Travel

A few weeks ago EFC of the Congo (CECU) President Bosokpale obtained a passport opening the way now for him to come to the United States in the spring of 2010. Plans and fundraising have begun for this very special trip. Sunday visits to EFCA churches are pretty much committed, however, there are many weekdays still open on the calendar.

If you or your church would like to welcome President Bosokpale for a missions committee meeting and hear of the ministry efforts throughout the 971 EFC churches across the Congo, talk with your pastoral leadership and then contact Jim Snyder of EFCA ReachGlobal.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pastors: GATEWAY to Learning

Since it's initial roll out, 22 EFCA GATEWAY training courses have happened across the U.S. in nine EFCA districts, (and more are coming!).

Designed for leaders who have a need for theological and pastoral training, (but lack the time and resources to access traditional seminary education), EFCA GATEWAY Theological Institute equips pastors and leaders for ministry within the larger EFCA movement. Offering language-specific, practical and accessible theological training, the course equips pastors for effective ministry in their current contexts.

Know a pastor that would love to attend? Point him to the EFCA GATEWAY web page for more information.

20 Down

Celebrating continued focus on creating a neighborhood in New Orleans where kids can ride their bikes to a home their family owns, a safe place to gather, a church that cares, and schools of excellence Urban Impact Ministries is celebrating their 20th year of ministry in New Orleans, LA. Started in 1989 by Glen Schrieber and carried forward in 1991 by Pastor John and Wendy Gerhardt much has happened in the past two decades to celebrate!
  • Founding and complete renovation of Castle Rock Community Church
  • Yellow House purchased and fully renovated to host visiting teams
  • Education program started for neighborhood kids
  • Land purchased for new ministry center
  • Started partnership with EFCA TouchGlobal for Hurricane Katrina ministry and more
  • Hosted over 12,000 volunteers from around the globe helping with Hurrican Katrina crisis response and more
  • Completed over 20 work projects in the neighborhood (cosmetic repair to complete renovations)
Pray for their continued efforts and the changed community UIM, Castle Rock Community Church and EFCA TouchGlobal are working toward with the Lord's help!

New Shepherd Caring for the Flock

Three Rivers Community Church in San Marcos, TX, voted to call Adam Schindler as their Pastor.

Please pray for the transition for Adam and Stefanie Schlindler and TRCC. Ask God to grant them His favor.

Knocking on Neighbor's Doors

Sometimes all it takes for a neighbor to visit your church is to ask them. Knowing this, Kenyon Ross and others from Shades Valley Community Church in Birmingham, AL, are knocking on neighbor's doors to invite them to visit. As Kenyon stated recently:

(For) one couple the Lord's timing was just right, they've really needed a church community to be involved in--be praying for this couple, her sister passed away this summer and she said that they haven't had a close group of Christians to walk through that with.

To encourage others to get involved, Kenyon's mapping their progress. In the picture, the orange dots represent the homes they've visited and the green dots are where they've had the opportunity to share the gospel. Praise God!

Pray for more green dots (and neighbor visitors) for Shades Valley Community Church. If you'd like more information to start a similar effort at your church, email Kenyon Ross.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Will Preach for Bananas

At a recent fundraising event for FIRSTCHOICE Clinic, Matthew St. John, teaching pastor of Bethel EFC, Fargo, ND, was awarded the coveted, "Will Preach for Bananas" hat for being the pastor who secured the largest number of sponsors for the LIFE WALK.

Five of Bethel EFC's pastors, (including Pastor Matthew), along with many Bethel EFC members raised $6000 for FIRSTCHOICE Clinic, a caring and confidential clinic offering pregnancy options including post abortion support and services.

What local service or compassion agency is your church supporting?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

To the Fields

EFCA EQUIP is hosting a Prefield Training (PT Live) event for new missionaries in Minneapolis to encourage and teach 22 new missionaries (15 adults and 7 children) who will be leaving for the field in the next 6 months. The new missionaries will be deployed to Japan, Indonesia, France, Italy, Congo, Costa Rica, Ukraine and Hungary.

Pray for these new disciples preparing to reach out to their respective fields--white for harvest.

Quilting: Piecing the Borders

A few years ago a group from Grace EFC, Jefferson City, Missouri hosted a week-long quilting camp which birthed a growing, Christ-focused, evangelistic quilting ministry in Hungary. With a vision for reaching Hungarian ladies with the gospel, this ministry has grown into 12 clubs throughout Hungary and Ukraine.

Hungarian women experience a sense of community and encouragement in the quilting clubs (one of the biggest needs in Eastern Europe today).In addition to having an outlet to create beauty for their lives, quilting clubs teach a skill and they include an evangelistic message. Churches in the U.S. partner to teach, provide supplies, share their testimonies and lend support as needed. In the past year, four to five ladies have accepted Christ at each quilting camp (totaling 12 new believers!) and five others rededicated their lives to the Lord.

The quilting club is just one of many ministries held at the Kelenföld Ministry Center (KMC) in Budapest, Hungary. Ten of the ministries at the KMC are led by Hungarians, including:
  • KEGy (Kelenföld Evangelical Free Church)
  • FEK (Youth at the Threshold of Life)
  • Quilting club
  • Bible school
  • Free Saturday singles' group
  • Film Club
  • Apologia (apologetics for Hungary)
  • Wycliffe-Hungary
  • MEE (Hungarian Evangelical Free Church)
  • Small group ministry
  • Arts Café
Praise God for how He continues to bring many believers together for the sake of sharing the gospel!

Keys to Learning

Studying the persecuted church, the elementary program at First EFC Fullerton, CA, will be learning the "key" to helping the persecuted church is to pray. To unlock the student's potential, the teachers are looking for 1,000 keys--old/used/no longer needed metal keys, for a special craft project for the lesson.

Pray for all Sunday school teachers and their students and join FEFC's elementary classes in praying for the persecuted church.

Hungary for a Steer?

In Montana, God’s cows roam and ranchers raise calves that are then sold to support missionaries. Sporting a triangle brand with a cross on the top of it, the cows are part of the STEER Inc. brand.

Headquartered in Bismarck, North Dakota. STEER facilitates a unique three-way partnership between donors, farmers or ranchers, and missions. A donor donates a cow, a farmer or rancher feeds and cares for it, and the proceeds from the sale of the calf each year goes to the designated mission.

If you, or someone you know is a farmer or rancher, there are cows immediately available at STEER Inc. for placement in support of EFCA ReachGlobal missionaries Brad and Kari Mullet who work in Hungary. STEER money to missions!

For more information read the full story at Brad Mullet's blog:

Monday, October 12, 2009


Reaching out to the city of Huntington, WV, two of the Crew Community Church small groups took to the streets to remove graffiti. The overall sentiment of the groups: if you want to see change in your community, DIY! (do it yourself!)

In what way is your small group reaching out to the community?
To read the full story check the Crew Community Church blog or their Facebook page.

Friday, October 9, 2009

7.6 on the Richter Scale

September 30 at 5:16 pm local time major shock from a 7.6 magnitude earthquake hit Southern Sumatra, Indonesia. Thousands were trapped in collapsed buildings and under landslides. Two hospitals, several schools and over 200,000 houses have been severely damaged.

EFCA TouchGlobal Crisis Response is in the midst of assessing the situation to begin relief efforts. Pray. Give. Go (in teams).


Two Rivers Church South Florida will be in the midst of their church outreach event October 10, 2009. SACK (Simple Act of Christian Kindess) is a 'serving their community' effort through the Adopt-A-Street program. Meeting first for short briefing and a continental breakfast (coffee, donuts and orange juice) the volunteers will be off into the community--being the hands and feet of Christ.

Pray for hearts touched, new relationships and safety for the many volunteers!

Focus on the EFCA in Europe

Ever wonder just how many EFCA ReachGlobal missionaries there are located in cities throughout Europe?
  • 102 households

  • 23 city teams

  • In 28 ministry locations throughout Europe
The newest city teams for ReachGlobal Europe include London and Madrid which will open (with the Lord's blessing) in 2010.

Learn how to support an EFCA missionary or EFCA ReachGlobal!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Serving their community at the Geronimo Fire Department BBQ, Vista Community Church will be meeting earlier on Sunday, Oct. 11 for a modified service in order to reach out and "Be the Church"--pray for the church to represent Christ well!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Manila: Katrina-like Catastrophe

An EFCA ReachGlobal missionary outlines the situation in Manila, Philippines:

This week, Manila, Philippines suffered the worst flooding in 40 years. According to news reports, the water inundated 80% of the city, killed 246, and affected 1.9 million people, displacing almost 400,000. Most of those affected are among the poorest, and many are our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Seventeen EFCs in Manila have been affected. Praise God, it appears that all of our church people are alive. But damage to buildings was severe. Homes were swept away. People lost family and friends. Possessions are gone. Food is in short supply. Livelihoods have been disrupted. People are stunned.

This is a Katrina-like catastrophe for the citizens of Manila. Pray for our pastors and their wives. Many of them have sustained major losses themselves, but they need to be strong to encourage their church members and others in the community. Pray for God’s grace to be their strength.

Check the TouchGlobal Crisis Response web page to give or learn more in the days to come. Meanwhile, you can call donor services (800) 745-2202 or mail donations. Make checks out to EFCA and send them to: EFCA, Attn: Philippines Relief, #21709-3973, 901 East 78th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55420-1300

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Is Your Pastor an Outsider?

Tom Garasha, Director of Pastoral Care and Coaching for the EFCA West district asks some interesting questions on his blog as the result of reading, "When the Church was a Family," by Joe Hellerman. What do you think?
  • If the church is truly an community then why are pastors often the outsider?

  • If the church is a supposed to be the family of brothers and sisters, then how come pastors are the last ones to experience community in their own church?

  • How can a pastor preach and encourage people to authentic community and not have a close trusted relationship with anyone in the church.

To visit Tom's blog:

Monday, September 28, 2009

Exploring Berlin Involvement

EFCA ReachGlobal and the Freie evangelische Gemeinde (FeG Church) will host the Berlin Partnership Summit, April 13-16, 2010 in Berlin, Germany. The Summit will be a collaboration of FeG church planters, EFCA ReachGlobal staff, and strategic partners meeting together to build relationships that intentionally further church planting efforts in the Berlin area. The Summit is designed both for existing partners and those exploring the possibility of future involvement. It will be a place to learn, dialog, pray, encourage, and to contribute ideas.
For more information send inquiries to

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dropping 10,000 Pounds

Findlay EFC in Findlay, OH is planning to distribute 10,000 pounds of food from their Mobile Food Pantry on Saturday, November 7 from 7:30 am – Noon. Organizing way ahead of the date they're in the process of enlisting volunteers for three key teams:
  • Hospitality Team – To greet guests and set things up.

  • Distribution Team – To hand out the 10,000 lbs. of food between 9:30 am and noon on Saturday.

  • Courtesy Team – To carry the food for their guests and help them to their cars.
Pray for the needed hands and feet to sign up and help!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Embracing the Arts

Embracing the arts, First Evangelical Free Church in Wichita, KS opened its doors in August to the Christian Youth Theater program. CYT offers students after-school theater arts classes, participation in local musical theater productions and summer camps.

CYT's two-fold mission is to develop "character in children through training in the arts" and to produce "wholesome family entertainment," both of which "reflect Judeo-Christian values." Fall classes meet on Thursdays from August through October. Classes are offered for ages 5-7, ages 8-12 and ages 12-18. Bring CYT to your church and city!

Chinese Flock in Italy

Two EFCA field staff members recently visited Italy for two and a half weeks to teach in a Chinese church in Prato. There are 30,000 to 40,000 Chinese residing in that city, (most from mainland China).

In Italy there are 20 Chinese churches, but only three ordained ministers with minimal training. During the classes participants learned Christian Ethics, pastoral care and counseling, both totally new topics to the very attentive students.

What is your strength or gift? Consider using it on a short term missions trip in your own community or assisting EFCA missionaries the globe over. Check out the opportunities!

Pray that God will raise up more workers to tend His Chinese flock in Italy.

Expanding Outreach

Did you know EFCA EQUIP (EFCA's online learning ministry) offers a course to help people make informed decisions about their local and global outreach involvement?

Kingdom Expansion 101 is a high-quality, facilitated, online basic missions course that can be taken anywhere in the world. The curriculum provides a biblical and strategic framework to assist churches, global outreach teams and individuals as they consider their response to God’s plan for all the nations.

Download the flyer to learn more.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sudan Famine

In an urgent plea from the senior pastor of the EFC of Sudan, he shares the famine is devastating, there is an extreme lack of food and children are suffering most--asking for your prayerful and compassionate response to this crisis situation.

I greet you in the name of Jesus. The famine in Nagishot is devastating, especially among the refugees recently returning to Sudan. There is an extreme lack of food. It is the children who suffer most. Three years ago, people had enough to eat. But food produce dwindled as droughts became more frequent. Since 2007, there has been drought or a long dry spell every single year. This has had a devastating impact on households across the Nagishot Hills. We are appealing with you brothers and sisters to pray for life-saving emergency aid to our people who are in crisis. May God bless your prayers for the suffering masses!

For more information: Sudan Famine

New EFCA TouchGlobal Crisis Response Center

On Sunday, August 30, the four-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the new EFCA TouchGlobal Crisis Response Center was dedicated to the Lord in Louisiana.

At the service, a DVD reminded participants of the first few days after Katrina and how the people of God responded. Mark Lewis of EFCA TouchGlobal Crisis Response and Pastor Michael Sprague of Trinity EFC in Covington recounted stories of life-change and God's intervention. State Representative John Schroder shared his observation about faith-based organizations doing what government cannot do and was not designed to do. John Horst (EFCA TouchGlobal) and Sherman McLain (elder of Trinity EFC) led the dedication prayer. Many guests and friends joined the celebration for the day including Vixie Spencer, Liam Brown, Bill and Kathleen Brown, Terry Sistruck and John Gerhardt (Urban Impact) and four special ambassadors sent from Hershey Evangelical Free Church. Hershey EFC sent 340 volunteers to Louisiana to help over the last four years!

ECDC and Churches Powering the Community

In Kane County, Illinois where there are more social services per capita than any other county in the country, 18 churches including Elgin EFC are partnering with a one-of-a-kind ministry known as the ECDC (Elgin Christian Development Corporation) to reverse the current of the community. Going beyond the government’s role of “sheltering and feeding under-resourced families without providing a plan to move them into their own home,” the partnership is taking under-resourced families to a whole new level, including their relationships with the church.

For the full story:

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Lifeline

Grace Evangelical Free Church in Fridley, MN, receives 30,000 pounds of food and grocery products once a month from Feed America and up to another 10,000 pounds from a local food bank called Ruby's Pantry. About 130 volunteers unload, tally, repackage and distribute the food to 650 to 700 family units. Reporting that 'volunteers and faith-based organizations are the lifeline of America's emergency food distribution system' NEED Magazine notes more than 1,000 people in Fridley would go hungry if it were not for this compassionate ministry to the community.

Read the full story at NEED Magazines blog.

Home Church in the Urban Setting

Pondering the growing home church movement, Richard Beattie of the Denver Evangelical Examiner, recently wrote of both the experience and diverse experiences in the life of Bruce Duell, an EFCA missionary. Duell, who has served for two decades as an urban church planter, is now focused on the idea of growing house churches among the urban poor. "Many of the neighborhoods need a church but cannot afford a building. The home church provides a base and a community that is both structured and flexible," Duell notes.

Read the full story from Richard Beattie.

A Slumdog Experience

Reminded of the movie, "Slumdog Millionaire," students from Milaca Evangelical Free Church and their chaperones traveled to the Philippines to lead a three day vacation Bible school, a Bible seminar at a college and host a basketball tournament. They encountered children sleeping in the alley behind their rooms, begging 'just like they did in the movie' and tapping on the taxi windows asking for money.

"They lived in a shack, and in America we live in a big house and have nice things," said Sam Fradette, one of the students, "But they seemed so happy with what they have."

"We went to the Philippines to help them, but they actually helped us," said Kayla Dahlstom, "They taught us things about life that we never would have understood before making the trip."

Read the full story by Christine Vanort of the Mille Lacs County Times.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Showing God's Forgiveness

Relatives of Kimberly Emmert, a 49-year-old grandmother who died after she was hit by a driver backing out of a neighboring driveway, walked in her memory alongside Paul Thanavong, the man who was behind the wheel. To Clint Emmert, Kimberly's husband, it was another shared act of forgiveness, one that he attributed to his wife and the faith she lived every day. A memorial service followed at Brooklyn Park Evangelical Free Church in Minnesota.

Picture by Richard Tsong-Taatarii, Star Tribune.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Czech-ing English

August 1 - 8, 2009, a team from Harvest Evangelical Free Church in Story City, IA along with staff from EFCA ReachGlobal will teach 35 Czech students planning to attend an English camp at the Rajska Zahrada church plant in the Czech Republic.

Pray for safe travels and great relationships between the students and facilitators.

Real Life Angels

Members of the Summit Evangelical Free Church in Alta, IA, Gary and Sandy Launderville were nominated for an "Angels in Adoption," award by Congressman Steve King of Iowa's 5th Congressional District. The Laundervilles have adopted 7 children and provided foster care for 96 children in need over the past 16 years.

"Sheriff Gary and Sandy Launderville have made an extraordinary contribution to children in need for over 16 years," said King. "The Laundervilles are shining examples for western Iowa. It gives me great pleasure to honor this remarkable couple that truly deserves the title, 'Angels in Adoption.' The Laundervilles are angels in the eyes of their community and in the eyes of the children they have cared for."

Read the full story on Congressman King's Web site.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Manna and Music

India Christian EFC, Westchester, IL, hosted their first free Manna Coffee House event this weekend. A casual evening of entertainment open to the community it featured three acts:

Steven Abraham Band--intriguing listeners from all walks of life with their alternate rock-style and worship-oriented lyrics
Faceless--exhibiting a wide range of musical styles with an edgier sound
Abe & Liza Philip--a husband and wife team whose deeply compelling lyrics and music have earned them national and international recognition.

For more information on Facebook: Manna Coffee House

Crayons for Cancer

Featuring their own band, "Zeal," and another called the, "Post Hole Diggers," Wethersfield Evangelical Free Church, Wethersfield, CT, is hosting the annual Crayons for Cancer Benefit for Connecticut Childrens Medical Center. 100% of the proceeds go to the Family Fund in the Oncology Unit helping families by offsetting the cost of meals and parking while they stay at the hospital.

For more information on the Crayons for Cancer Benefit.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Multi-Site Pioneers

EFCA pastor Larry Osborne of Northcoast Church in Vista, CA, will be presenting as part of a team of one church/many location church pastors at the "Multi-site 2.0" conference hosted by Windsor Crossing Community Church in Chesterfield, MO, September 28-29, 2009. Sponsored by Zonderan Publishing, Leadership Network, Generis and Portable Church Industries participants will hear from a variety of multi-site church leaders, gaining practical advice in breakout sessions covering topics such as fundraising, technical issues and growth.

For further information on the Multi-site 2.0 Conference.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Living Word EFC

Focused on sportsmanship, enjoying the game and providing a new learning experience the 15th Annual Freeport International Baseball Invitational in Pennsylvania, organized by Christian Sports International (CSI), is scheduled for the last week of July this year. CSI welcomes teams from all cultures and from locations as far away as Sri Lanka and Austrailia.

The Legacy Lions Baseball Club formed by Living Word Evangelical Free Church in Butler, PA, has two teams that will participate in the invitational who's purpose is to promote the Christian faith through sporting events.

Instant Home Away From Home

Bringing only the clothes on their backs, 10 of the 52 residents who were rushed out of their burning apartment building in Gaylord, MI, spent the first night at the Gaylord Evangelical Free Church. Not having the time to grab their driver's licenses, identification cards or medication, the residents will need help to work through their losses. The community of Gaylord is stepping up to help with donations of clothing, personal items, food and more.

Read the full story by Bill Froehlich from Up North Live News.

Getting Airborne

44 skateboarders and BMX riders from ages 6 to 34 gathered in Canon City, CO, to compete in the Revolver Games organized by Omar Short, middle school youth director of the Evangelical Free Church. About 300 people attended the event throughout the day including professional skateboarder Uriel Luebcke, (sponsored by Nike and Untitled Skateboards).

"It's a little different level than just coming out and hanging out to skate," he said, "the point is to honor their sport, with BMX and skateboarding--to put on a real-deal competition that has them compete with people around Colorado." Along with honoring the sport they share a simple message of hope. This year 13 people accepted Christ as their Savior.

Read the full story by Carie Canterbury in the Canon City Daily Record.

Photo by Jeff Shane of the Canon City Daily Record.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Broken, Destroyed, Attacked -- Pray

Just minutes apart last summer, two earthquakes of 7.9 and 8.1 rocked Peru impacting more than 200,000 people. In the city of Chincha more than 40,000 homes were destroyed or seriously damaged. In the wake of these earthquakes, EFCA TouchGlobal Crisis Response has partnered with the Evangelical Free Church of Peru and ReachGlobal staff to provide holistic relief and recovery for the purpose of outreach, evangelism and church planting. Interested in helping?

Pray for a Peruvian worker who seriously cut his left foot with a power saw while helping with rebuilding efforts in Chincha. Pray God will provide for his family. Pray also for two missionaries recently attacked and bitten by dogs on the worksite.

More Room, Please

Christ Evangelical Free Church in Bethel, PA, doesn't want a time to come when the church doesn't have room to reach more people. They've requested a township permit to build a 47,000 square foot facility to house the more than 700 weekly attenders.

Today they rent modular units to house Sunday school classes. Starting with approval of the township permit and a capital campaign to raise the funds to build the new facility, the plans will begin to build a multipurpose facility that will include a worship center, day care, classrooms, kitchen and more.

For the full story by Michelle Park of the Reading Eagle publication:

For help at your church with capital campaigns:
Ministry Campaign Services (MCS)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Connected from California to Rwanda

Teams from the Valley Evangelical Free Church in Vacaville, CA, traveled to Rwanda in June to quite literally "build" upon their partnership with the EFC of Rwanda. Their progress is well documented in ongoing blogposts by Gary Rodgers, Valley EFC's director of missions. The teams finished a floor in the home of Cyubahiro, (a 78 years-young Rwandan woman), gardened and focused on building relationships with their Rwandan brothers and sisters in Christ.

To follow their progress:
(photo from the blog)

To learn more about EFCA partnerships and consortia contact EFCA CONNECT:

Laredo, TX Students Help in Galveston

Students from Grace Bible Church in Laredo, TX are traveling to Galveston, TX to help rebuild homes in the aftermath of the hurricane that devastated the city as a part of compassion relief efforts spearheaded by EFCA TouchGlobal. For the full story as covered by Channel 8 news in Laredo:

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Including Autistic Children

A specific example of an EFCA church ministering uniquely "among all people" was featured in a July 5, 2009 article for The Patriot News' Web site in an article written by Diana Fishlock:

West Shore Evangelical Free Church welcomed Esther and Lee Feirick and their three autistic children--Calvin, 11, Catherine, 8, and Josiah, 7--in ways the family never expected since they first came in May 2008, Esther Feirick said.

"For Catherine they had someone who could sit with her in her Sunday school class and kind of keep her participating," she said. "Josiah's teacher said, 'Oh! My nephew has that! Does he like deep muscle pressure? Does he like this? They already knew some of these things. I was amazed because that hadn't been my experience."

The family received at least three contacts from the children's pastor asking what else the church could do to help the family. "They ask us to help. They asked us what kinds of things should the staff know. They're very supportive," said Feirick of East Pennsboro Township.

They have had a long history of working with people who are different," she said.

Instead of expecting the Feirick children to conform to their system, the congregation asked what they could change to make the experience easier for the Feiricks, Esther Feirick said. "I never had that. That thinking was so different."

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Lighthouse Built By the Congregation

Lighthouse Community Church members gathered for the first time in their new building at 7705 Indianola Ave. in Des Moines, IA, on May 31 hosting a grand opening June 14.

Donated land, hours of volunteer work from the congregation and numerous donations of time and effort from nonmembers went into constructing the $1.47 million building.

For the full story by Lisa Colonno of the

Picture by Jonathan Quinn for the Register.

Doc of All Trades

Featuring the unique practice of Dr. Ken Buczynski of Faith Evangelical Free Church, Mountain Lake Park, MD, The Baltimore Sun's writer, Stephanie Desmon shared:

Medicine is Buczynski's ministry. He sees "patients as more than just a physical entity," often praying with them and for them. "I's not a billable procedure, but I like to provide it," he says.

South Africa in California

The Evangelical Free Church of Chico, CA will share praise with a South African celebration service of testimonies and worship inspired by a recent trip to Africa, presented by Dan Irving this weekend.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

To Go to Togo

In June, ReachAfrica (the Missions Alliance of African Evangelical Free Churches) and T-Net International held the first church multiplication and discipleship training program in the nation of Togo. Pastors Nubako Selenga and Dave Kiamu from ReachAfrica, a pastor from Cameroon and a U.S. pastor provided the training. Of the 80 participants, 60 will continue the second phase of training in October. Leaders from ReachAfrica and ReachTogo met to clarify plans to reach the 38 unreached tribes in Togo. Over 50% of the Togo population practices traditional animistic religions and over 25% is Muslim. Pray that God will raise up African church planting missionaries.

To learn more about ReachAfrica, the work in Togo, or other opportunities in Africa, please contact Pastor Nubako Selenga, ReachAfrica Team Leader, at or Kevin Kompelien, ReachGlobal International Leader for Africa, at

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Father/Son Football Camp

Highland Park EFC, Columbus, NE, is hosting a Pass It On Father/Son Football Camp led by Nebraska Football Coach Ron Brown for 3rd to 8th grade boys. Sponsored by the Columbus Family YMCA and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the registration fee includes a T-shirt, snacks, books, breakfast, and great fun and fellowship.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

An Un-Sale

Open Bible Evangelical Free Church, Lansdale, PA welcomed the community to its first Recycle Yard Un-Sale where items were sold at a very low cost. In addition, they offered be a puppet show, coloring table and beading for kids, plus refreshments. Louis Giglio's DVDs, "How Great is Our God" and "Indescribable," were shown in the sanctuary.