Thursday, April 30, 2009

Spring Growth

Since 1962 people have been investing in the ministry of Camp Spofford, the EFCA's New England District Association's family and youth camp. Faithfully serving the EFCA community in New England for 47 years, they're focused on the need to raise funds and build a new chapel, dining hall and office facility. In March they hosted a fundraising banquet collecting $25,000 to direct toward those efforts. In addition to watching the snow melt and the surrounding earth explode with new growth, they're looking forward to opening the doors of a new building next spring!

What is your favorite family memory of going to church camp?

It's a Small World

Jill, one of the EFCA's multi-talented missionaries based at the national office in Minneapolis, recently experienced an incredible missions trip to India with a group from her church. Traveling to non-tourist areas, they were escorted by two Indian missionaries--attending as many church services as possible. The most prevalent hunger was for prayer. She described experiencing amazing open air church services. In one service attended by >100 people, congregants were seated on mats on the ground with bare lightbulbs strung with wire over their heads for lighting. Sensing strong spiritual warfare throughout the journey, the team persevered through prayer. They were blessed to be able to reach out through touch, eyes-joined-to-eyes in the spirit of kindred love for a Savior and kind voices of prayer.

Arriving back in the States, her journey continued to one of her supporting churches, The Orchard in Arlington Heights, IL. Briefly sharing of her visit to India, she was visiting with the members after the church service when an Indian woman introduced herself and asked specifically what cities Jill had visited. They discovered that half a world away the two Indian missionaries who escorted Jill and the group just happened to be this woman's son and daughter-in-law. What a GodSighting!

Yes, it's a small world--but clearly one where the dots are perfectly connected by God.

Vista: Viewing Prospects

Celebrating their 2nd anniversary, Vista Community Church (EFCA), San Antonio, TX, shared praise for--

  • $700 raised at a recent rummage sale for an upcoming Honduruas Mission trip
    (6 team members are almost fully funded!)

  • A new meeting location at the Fire Department
    (a month early!)
Pray with them for their transition to the new location. They await final approval of a contract to begin constructing a Childrens building for the church. Pray they continue to do the little things well--making disciples and sharing the good news of Christ.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Multiplying Community Health

The EFC of Canon City is being proactive about health and wellness program offering the 9Health Fair this weekend. Anyone in the community may participate in a variety of free and low-cost health screenings. Eye screenings, blood pressure checks, dental screenings and lung function, along with blood tests for blood sugar and cholesterol levels, thyroid, as well as kidney and liver functions, and numerous other health issues will be offered. Talk about multiplying health at EFCA churches...and their communities!

On April 26 EFCA vision trip members ceremoniously celebrated with the Congo EFC (CECU) the first graduating class of 15 orphans and 5 widows by officially dedicating the Elikya Center. The center trains widow and orphan students in life skills such as carpentry or tailoring and in spiritual issues. Pastor Brian Sharpe of Elim EFC in Puyallup, WA, helped to receive a gift of ebony carvings from the Elikya Center and the Congolese government. The team leader, Jim Snyder of EFCA TouchGlobal stood in for the U.S. government, (honored with the charge of taking the presentations and a letter of thanks from the Congolese to the White House). Led by the efforts of the Congo EFC, many U.S. donors and volunteers are truly touching and changing the lives of those in great need in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Trio of Love

Putting together an auction for the Union Rescue Mission, high school sophomores and First EFC Wichita attenders, Parker Tatro, Ashton Schrag and Hannah Yowell raised $2,115 to aid the homeless. The trio attended EFCA CHALLENGE 2008 in Salt Lake City where they were motivated by the speakers to reach out and help people. At the conference they participated in packaging meals to be sent to Africa. After CHALLENGE they began volunteering periodically at the Union Rescue Mission in their community, which lead to the idea of having an auction to further help the homeless. The 15 year olds are wholly committed to continuing to help their community in any way they can.

How is the youth group at your church serving in the community?

Dreaming Larger

Just 9 months ago God called Xoch and Pablo Cachon to leave Southwest Community Church in Indian Wells, CA, to start a new church plant without the security of consistent resources. Today Nueva Vida is an EFCA church with an activated community in the Coachella Valley. Starting with 250 interested visitors, the church is growing as newcomers take ownership of ministry while commencing their journeys as Christ followers. Keep them in your prayers...they are just beginning to dream-larger: focused on starting a multi-ethnic church plant in 2010!

What is your church doing to multiply Christ in the community?

Worthwhile Investment

EFCA TouchGlobal's GlobalFingerprints orphan sponsorship program just received wonderful news. A donor couple in Minnesota will be sponsoring 20 children a month. The $25 per month investment in each child helps pay for education, medical and nutritional needs, and clothing...while also allowing the children to hear about Jesus. What could be more worthwhile?

Church sponsorships are welcome too! Find out more through the link provided above.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Warm Reception

Focused on the process of “Belong – Believe – Behave,” Pa. Scott Solberg of Wethersfield EFC shared encouragement with the WEFC church community.

"Through the power of love and the clarity of the gospel, people are finding themselves believing. The most recent testimony I read for this Sunday was from a gentleman who started coming to church because his wife encouraged him to do so. Initially, he felt warmly received. I think this put his mind and heart at ease so that he could hear the message of the gospel. Then one Sunday, in the quietness of his heart, at the end of a message, the truth of the gospel became clear to him and he gave his heart to Christ. At the end of his testimony he said, “I now follow Jesus not because of what I want Him to do for me; but because, quite simply, HE….IS….GOD, and he who believes has everlasting life.” I share this with you because this all began with a warm reception and a sense of belonging. So . . . keep it up!"

What does your church do to welcome newcomers?

Multiplying and Rabbits

EFCA ReachGlobal missionaries Vance and Carol Johnson have moved to Naga, a poor area south of Cebu, Phillipines, to serve holistically.They're introducing rabbits as a food source, container gardens, (produce in pop bottles for those with no land), and reaching out to 100-150 children and moms in Sunday school held on the grounds of a muddy outdoor auto mechanic shop. Now, they're looking to rent a building for a study tutorial center in the community. Meanwhile, they are seeking ways to reach the men of the community. Their goal it to eventually start a church plant (that will grow out of the Sunday school ministry).

If you're interested in teaching English as a second language, the Johnson's could use your help!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Two Years Young and Thriving

Faith EFC in Acton, MA celebrated the progress of Heart Change Fellowship in Boston, MA, an EFCA church plant they support. pastored by Jua & Regina Robinson with the help of Marion & Tamika Mason. Just under two years old, Heart Change is already reaching across the sea to spread the gospel by giving 10% of the weekly budget to help support five missionaries. They've established a church board and volunteers are involved in everything from Sunday worship service to hospitality to organizing neighborhood outreach. They also have couples’ Bible studies, women’s ministry, and a college outreach. Their major partnerships in ministry include Faith EFC, Plainville Baptist Church, Evangelical Free church iof East Dennis, and EFC Hope International Church in Waltham, MA. There's opportunity for Heart Change to partner with community agencies such as Whittier Health Services, (as they have a backpack ministry to children in the summer). Heart Change also provides an alternative to Halloween with Harvest Fest, a Christmas toy drive in conjunction with Athletes in Action, a carnival for area children, and they're planning a future art festival/contest for the city of Boston involving pictures, essays, and poetry. Heart Change Fellowship IS ministering in Judea and Samaria and the outermost areas of the world.

What church plant is your congregation partnering with to help them reach their Judea and Samaria?

Giving the Glory to the Master Chef

"I couldn't have tailored a better job for myself, I really feel that God directed my steps, without me even realizing what it was I was trying to do," Caroline Grant commented when featured in a recent article in the Birmingham News. Grant, a member of Shades Valley Community Church (EFC) in Birmingham, AL, worked as an editor on a number of cookbooks for Oxmoor House but, after her first child was born, she decided to work from home with recipe creation. In the 12½ years since, she has created hundreds of recipes. "There are times I am very formulaic when creating a recipe," Grant said. "Other times, it feels like a recipe just descends on me, like an artistic creation. It feels breathed, not labored. Inspired."

Way to give glory to The Creator, Caroline.

To read the full article:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

Coming Up: Planes, Dugout Canoes and Bumpy Truck Rides

Flying from the U.S. to Bangui, Congo, an EFCA team of 15 leaves April 20. Ahead of them, a river crossing in dugout canoes and a 10-12 hour truck trip to arrive in Gemena. Traveling together will be six from Elim EFC in Puyallup, WA, two from Wasatch EFC in Roy, UT, and two from Village Church of Lincolnshire, IL.

Projects planned for this trip:
o Training
-For hundreds of church Youth ministry leaders (by Youth Pastors on the trip)
-Outreach English classes
-Sunday School training
-Carpentry training (at Elikya)
-A pediatrician and a physical therapist teaching at the hospital
o A master planning session for Tandala Hospital
o Visitors from an NGO in the USA will explore joining the CECU (Evangelical Free Church Congo) in a child focused AIDS treatment program

Pray for this team!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

One in the Tribe

In January 2009, First EFC, Austin, TX, sent Colleen to live for one year with William and Eunice, (Sudan refugees featured in the EFCA's Resurrected Hope DVD). Working with Eunice's people, the Didanga, Colleen is providing continuity to the short-term teams that travel from First EFC to Nagishot, Sudan. She's also assisting with the implementation of development training.

Focused on the vision of Didanga believers reaching out to the other tribal groups with the gospel, they've seen the first fruit of their labor. Eunice and Colleen recently shared the gospel with four women in the Nagishot area. All four had received Christ as Lord and Savior. What a first quarter. The vision begins.

Cosmetology and Christ

As part of the GraceWorks Weekend planned in May, First EFC Fullerton, CA, will offer a “spa” afternoon for women from local shelters and transitional homes. They're engaging hair stylists, manicurists and massage therapists from the congregation to help. A truly unique idea to serve women in the community.

Planting with World Impact

Richard Schumacher, EFCA Central District Regional Associate Superintendent and World Impact’s St. Louis Director Kelly Schjenken are in discussions about partnering with World Impact's internship program to plant a church in urban St. Louis.

For more information:

Friday, April 17, 2009

Church: A Black Hole

"The church is the black hole that sucks Christians out of society." That provocative statement was how Dan Moose, Director of Church Planting for the EFCA’s North Central District, recently led the "Cultivating a Culture of Outreach" seminar held at Calvary EFC in Rochester, MN. Moose challenged the participants to consider both the culture of the church and how they as individuals related to the community of the lost. The challenge focused on key questions:
  • Is your church an attracting (i.e., trying to get people to come to you) or a sending (i.e., meet people where they are at) kind of church?
  • Do you have “pagan” friends who would call you in a crisis?
  • Do you see your neighbors “eternally, not externally”?
Moose walked through the perceived cost to cultivating a culture of outreach and shared a framework for churches to move forward with community outreach.

Pamplona: Running With the...Christians

In Pamplona, Spain, evangelism happens through the ordinary, day-to-day life encounters. Such is the case for Maria. Typical to those in Pamplona, she put little trust in the church. That is, until she met an unusual couple in her local coffee shop. The "evangelicos" from ReachGlobal met in their home with friends to study the Bible, pray and eat. She wasn't too sure about their religion, but was intrigued to see how they actually loved each other day-to-day, practicing what they preached. Maria hasn't started attending the meetings yet, but she's getting to know the Christian community each day over a simple cup of coffee, and she's impressed by what she sees.

Pray for Pamplona, both for those ministering to and those in need of the love of Christ.

Quebec a Part of Europe?

ReachGlobal Europe is welcoming co-workers from Montreal, Canada into the Europe Family. Connecting the missionaries in the province of Quebec with the ReachGlobal Europe team enables the French-speaking Canadian workers and their families to mix and mingle with the many French-speaking workers in Europe. They'll share not only their language, but also their experience reaching out to the over 50,000 French-speaking Muslims in the Montreal area.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Nueva Vida Euphoria

Nueva Vida CV (EFC) - Coachella Valley, CA is planning for a big Easter weekend launch! Lot's of preparation, promotions, and hard labor, have gone into the grand opening. Highlighting the event is a free concert featuring the performance of "Tercer Elemento" and a Family Festival (complete with a free meal including tacos de carne asada).

Please join in prayers for the following:
1. That the name of Christ is exalted.
2. For the harvest of people that will encounter grace!
3. For the euphoria of God's people coming together in worship!

Visit the Nueva Vida CV Web site in the coming days to see pictures of the big celebration.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Networking for Security

NoCoNet, a Northern Colorado career networking group for unemployed and underemployed professionals, is meeting at the Faith Evangelical Free Church in Fort Collins, CO. One example of many EFCA churches assisting those in their community affected by the downturn in the U.S. economy.


Shane Vander Hart the interim pastor at Grace Evangelical Free Church in Indianola, IA, was featured in a recent post at Vander Hart's commented on using his two Twitter accounts. One promotes his Web blog, The other is his professional account to promote his full-time job effort with Save Our Youth Network, (a service organization connects adults with at-risk youths in the Des Moines metro area). “I’m a technology junkie so I kind of latch onto this stuff,” Vander Hart said. “It’s a great way to communicate, a great way to meet people.” To read the full story on tweeting:

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sign the Sorvik Guestbook

Sunday afternoon, March 29, high-school-senior Josh Sorvik was in a skiing accident. Scans showed his spinal cord was severely damaged, some ribs were broken, and he had a minor concussion. At this point he is paralyzed from mid-back down. Josh is the son of Pa. Jeff Sorvik of Anchor Point Community Church (EFC) in Duluth, MN. A CaringBridge web page has been set up for journal updates, (many in EFCA churches have already connected in prayer via this site). It's amazing to watch the guestbook and literally see body of Christ in prayer-action for the Sorvik family.

Join in..pray for Josh and his family.

Re-Rebuilding After Katrina

EFCA TouchGlobal Crisis Response workers in Louisiana were recently alerted to reports about problems with sheet rock produced in China that must be torn out and replaced where used in home reconstruction in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Anxious to honor God by providing safe housing for those served, they discovered this faulty product was used in some of the homes and apartments Crisis Response volunteers helped rebuild. While in the midst of researching how many rebuilds may have been impacted, the team has sent out a urgent ask for:
  • Prayers
  • Volunteers to help with this unexpected extra work load
  • Friends who will give funds toward the purchase of materials to replace the old contaminated sheetrock
Please help where you can to continue the work of rebuilding homes and lives in Louisiana.

Makeover Award for Bridgeport Bible EFC

April 3, 2009, WTNH-TV News Channel 8 (ABC) congratulated Pa. Robert M. Turner of Bridgeport on receiving $5,000 dollars toward his American Dream and the Bridgeport Bible Fellowship Church (EFC), Turner’s charity of choice, who also received $5,000 dollars to put toward the completion of a project that will benefit the local community. The awards were given as part of ABC's Million Dollar Giveaway for their Extreme Makeover: American Dream Edition to help individuals and their local communities who had fallen upon recent economic hardship as a result of the current financial crisis in the United States.

WTNH-TV encouraged people to tell their stories or to share the stories of someone they knew who gives of their time to their community. Additionally, utilizing $1,000 in event-funds provided by ABC, WTNH-TV has partnered with Pa. Turner and the Bridgeport Bible Fellowship Church to create an event for the children of the Blackham School, which is where the church is housed.

How would you use a similar gift at your church or in your community?

Friday, April 3, 2009

Harp On

David soothed the rage of King Saul with his harp while he was a shepherd boy. In Denver, CO, EFCA Chaplain Kar Shan Yuan has been soothing the souls of hospice patients and their families with music for 12 years. Performing favorite hymns and songs Yuan's music evokes beautiful memories of times past--providing a peaceful bridge between the hospice patients and God.

What music helps to soothe your soul?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

FLOOD Update - Come and Muck!

The "sound bites" tell the story--
Red River is at 37 ft now, residents expect a 2 foot rise or so in the next week
Linton ND- 80 homes lost to the flood (that’s most of the town)
Bismark has ice jams causing flooding
300-400 known homes in Cass Co. ND and Clay Co. MN with flood damage
(53 known in Fargo alone)
Approximately 200 known volunteers waiting to help (MORE NEEDED!)
Companies have already offered equipment to use when dismantle is advised

Sandbag removal
Muck out
Yard clean up

Paper to Pavement

Last year EFCA Samaritan Way was simply thoughts on a piece of paper and a cry for help to the Lord. Today it is over 300 prayer warriors and a network of over 100 EFCA pastors in 7 EFCA Districts (and counting!). Led by Dr. Alvin Sanders, Samaritan Way is a ministry of the EFCA dedicated to working together to reverse division, multiplying Kingdom growth.

How have you been impacted by intentional focus on reconciliation in your church or community?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The 'Hood: One Block at a Time

Nate and Cindy went to New Orleans with their home church, Hershey EFC, Hershey, PA, to show the love of Christ to those in need. Twice. The first time started a friendship. the second time they were engaged. Impacted by the principles of holistic ministry while serving with EFCA TouchGlobal Crisis Response.--loving individuals unconditionally.

After getting married they chose, (as have other couples from Hershey EFC), to move into a distressed part of the City of Harrisburg, PA, to intentionally seek ways to connect with neighbors and transform their part of the world. Influencing the lives of their neighbors, families, community, and city leaders, their story has been reported by the local media.

(Story from the EFCA Crisis Response blog)

Describe the latest project to clean up or green the community your church has organized.

Kudos from the U.S. Gov

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) filmed a video (posted on YouTube), showing progress on a devastated home in Galveston where EFCA TouchGlobal Crisis Response volunteers were working with the Galveston Bible Church (EFC) in mid-February. The focus is on faith-based volunteer groups. What an honor for the thousands of EFCA volunteers who have helped in so many crisis locations!

Want to know more about volunteering as an individual or a church missions trip?

Bombardment and Steel

According to Pa. Michael Sprague of Trinity Church in Covington, LA, "The steel is going up on the (EFCA TouchGlobal) Crisis Response Center and Trinity Church is once again being bombarded with our spring-break volunteers!"

When was the last time your church sent a group to Louisiana to help the many in need given the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina?

Remembering Fireside Chats

From President Franklin D. Roosevelt's memorable "fireside chats" series to the popular dance styles of the 1930s, residents of the Evangelical Free Church Home, 112 W. 4th St., Boone, IA, found themselves recalling memories from the era last week as they observed "1930s Week.

For full details see the Boone News Repulican, Boone, Iowa publication:

What senior event has your church hosted recently?