Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Asian-American Ministry Needs

Over 40 pastors, seminary students, and leaders met to focus on English ministry to Asian-Americans on June 3, 2009. The event was facilitated by retired pastor Wayland Wong. That same day, Daniel K. Eng noted in his blog post a reflection on the recent English Ministry Pastors' Fellowship hosted at the Chinese Evangelical Free Church in Monterey Park, CA.

Eng said, "It was a great time for me to network and connect with some guys that I’ve only known through the web, as well as many local Chinese-American pastors or those ministering to English-speaking Chinese-Americans. Also, it was a time to talk about and discuss different issues pertaining to Asian-American ministry today."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the plug. =)
    I don't know if we've met! Did we meet that day?
